Correct Steps to Use Cleanser, Toner and Moisturizer Daily

To keep your face looking as young as could be allowed, you have to fitting skin health management. Whether you are honored with clear skin or always fight pimple inflammation, oil or redness, a fitting skincare routine is important to guarantee the well-being of your face. Facial skin ought to be washed down every morning and night, alongside whenever your face gets to be filthy or sweaty. In spite of the fact that you may decide to utilize extra skincare items, the three principle items incorporate cleaning agent, toner and cream. When you see how to appropriately purify tone and saturate facial skin, the routine ought to just take you a couple of minutes for every day.

Here I demonstrate to you generally accepted methods to appropriately cleanse, Tone and Moisturize your skin while never going out without no less than 30 SPF sunscreen.

Correct Steps to Use Cleanser

Snap 2014-07-25 at 17.52.16Wet the Face with Warm Water:

Splash the face with warm water, guaranteeing that all territories of the skin are wet. In spite of the fact that the water ought to be warm, it ought not to be excessively hot. Boiling point water can harm and get dried out the sensitive facial skin.

Place Cleaning Agent in Palm:

Take a little parcel of the chemical in your palm. Wet it with water to release its flexible surface to make it lathery or frothy.

Apply Facial Cleaning Agent:

Utilize a skin cleaning agent suited for your skin sort. Apply a little measure of facial chemical to the skin. Utilize your fingers to tenderly back rub the chemical into your face in a round movement. Maintain a strategic distance from the mouth and eye zones. Keep purifying for something like 30 seconds and afterward flush altogether with warm water.

Dry with Towel:

Pat the facial skin dry with a clean delicate towel. Utilize the towel to tenderly smear away the water. Abstain from rubbing the towel against the skin, which can hurt the slight and sensitive skin. Don’t utilize a messy towel; soil and microscopic organisms can undoubtedly exchange from the towel to your face.

Correct Steps to Use Toner

Snap 2014-07-25 at 17.54.34Spill Toner on Cotton Pad:

After Cleanser now your face is prepared for the toner. To apply the toner, you will need to first put it into either a cotton cushion or ball. Make the fluid sum little. You don’t have to make the cotton completely wet.

Wipe your face with Toner:

Wipe off the skin with it. By and by, give careful consideration to the temple and t zone.

Dry your face naturally:

When you feel you have arrived at all the ranges, you can discard the cotton. Let the face dry out.

Correct Steps to Use Moisturizer

Snap 2014-07-25 at 17.55.44Spill Moisturizer on palm:

Pump a bit of lotion into the palm of your hand. It ought to be just a little spot, about the span of a pea.

Warm up your Moisturizer:

Rub your palms together, warming up the cream and spreading it between your palms.

Apply Moisturizer:

Begin with your cheeks and after that spread the lotion tenderly to your temple and nose and in conclusion the button.

Related Products:

Clean & Clear Essential Moisturiser 100 ML

Essence Pureskin Anti-Spot Moisturizer 75 ML

Himalaya Herbals Face Moisturizing Lotion 200 ML

Johnson’s 24hour Moisture Soft Cream 200 ML

Neutrogena Fine Fairness Toner 200 ML

Hairstyles for Face Shape: Find the Best One for You

Hairstyles for Face Shape: Find the Best One for You

Regardless of your face shape – round, oval, square, heart or long – there will be improved hairdos that look best on you, and a couple of that aren’t complimenting.

Snap 2014-07-25 at 02.32.42You can have the best hair styling on the planet, however in the event that it doesn’t work for your face shape it’s not going to look right on you.

Before we even talk about some extraordinary styles for round face shapes, you have to know how to focus the state of your face. You ought to consider your hair sort and facial peculiarities when settling on a haircut. Yet remember an alternate pivotal component: your face shape. Take a look at a picture of yourself, and follow the lines of your face and jaw.

The most effective method to Find Your Face Shape:

Snap 2014-07-25 at 02.34.51Begin by measuring your face. Get an adaptable measuring tape the kind needle workers utilize so it’s simple and agreeable to measure your facial peculiarities.

  • Measure your face over the highest point of your cheekbones, and then measure your jaw line between the most extensive focuses.
  • Measure over your brow at the most extensive point. For the most part the amplest point will be some place about partially between your eyebrows and your hairline.
  • Measure from the largest purpose of your temple to the base of your button.

Haircut for Face Shape: Round


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Your face – largest at the cheekbones – is about as wide as it is long and your jawline is adjusted and full. To make a slimmer, more ovular extent, pick a hairdo with

unique segments to “gap” the face.

Styles that Work Best on a Round Face:

Stay away from button length cuts, obtuse blasts and center parts, they’re excessively merciless and can include width. Try for milder styles with asymmetry: Side-cleared blasts and a side part work delightfully, thus do uneven layers.

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On the off chance that your face is adjusted, the best haircuts by and large include:

  • Layered blasts as opposed to straight or overwhelming blasts.
  • Short styles which give stature.
  • Styles that include length.
  • Styles that keep the sides of your hair short or near the face.
  • Twists around the crown – however never close to the cheeks – to make tallness. Keep the sides of your hair short with a wavy style.
  • Longer to long styles, with blasts and a graduated shag or layers so the face and the neck are given a slenderizing shape.

Styles To Avoid on a Round Face:

You should avoid unsharpened bob-like haircuts because the thickness of the hair will highlight the fullest parts of your face.

Hairstyle for Face Shape: Oval


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Your face is most stretched out at the cheekbones and you have a decreased tight jawline. Your face is viewed as the perfect shape on the grounds that it’s superbly adjusted.

Styles That Work Best on an Oval Face:

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The oval face is the most flexible shape. You can draw off for all intents and purpose any look: short or may be long, straight or may be wavy or even one of the jazzier, edgier improved hairdos. To determine your most flattering style, consider your best gimmick and highlight it with your improved hairdo. Most improved hairdos work well, yet make a point to abstain from upsetting your characteristic offset with a style that stresses length. Consider your particular peculiarities rather: Part your hair as an afterthought to occupy from a vast nose, wear fun blasts to shroud a substantial brow or mollify noticeable cheekbones with face-encircling layers.

Styles To Avoid on an Oval Face:

In the event that your hair is thick or wavy, dodge an obtuse trim or danger resembling a pyramid. On the off chance that you have wavy hair, short hair is by and large a no-no. Short layers that include stature top of your head.

Hairstyle for Face Shape: Square


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You have an unmistakable, rakish jawline and your face is about the same stature and width. Detached waves close to your sanctuaries, ears and button will do the trap flawlessly and take a shot at any length.

In the event that you incline toward a shorter cut, strive for a pixie that might be styled with a flatiron. Square faces have a solid shape and extraordinary bone structure.

Styles That Work Best on a Square Face:

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In the event that you have a square face, you may need to play down your solid, precise jaw. Composition, as twists or uneven closures, does this splendidly. You can likewise escape with short, spiky cuts and long, smooth styles with layers that begin at the jawline and proceed descending. Long sways are an astounding decision, as are side-cleared blasts. Relax solid gimmicks by wearing your hair additional long, stick straight, detached waves or wavy. On the off chance that you favor a short ‘do, settle on a delicate layered bounce.

Styles To Avoid on a Square Face:

Evade one-length weave haircuts (particularly button length) and wide, limit blasts, for example, these. Stay away from obtuse cuts that emphasize the jaw and wear side-cleared blasts rather than straight, thick blasts.

Hairstyle for Face Shape: DIAMOND


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Your face is somewhat more than it is wide. Your jaw is pointy and your high-set cheekbones are the greatest piece of your face. Cut and shade can play up cheekbones and make your look shimmer.

Styles That Work Best on a Diamond Face:

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Pick a style that shows off your dazzling bone structure. A detached up scope highlights executioner cheekbones, as do short, ear-length layers.

Keep hair full at the sides, with least stature on top. Face-surrounding layers work delightfully. Skip center parts and say yes to blasts they’re an incredible choice to help lessen length.

Styles To Avoid on a Diamond Face:

  • Overwhelming or straight blasts that totally conceal the temple
  • Level styles where the hair is excessively straight and falls around your face in a straight line
  • Focus separating, particularly in the event that you have straight hair
  • A lot of volume on the sides of your face

Hairstyle for Face Shape: Oblong


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Your face is longer than it is wide, in the same way as a rectangle. Your jawline is adjusted.

Styles That Work Best on an Oblong Face:

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Search for improved hairdos that make your face look more extensive at the cheeks and less boxy, for example, those styles with layers at the ear and cheekbones. Keep your hair length above or underneath yet not at the button so as not to attract regard for the solid jaw line.

Styles To Avoid on an Oblong Face:

Stay away from weaves. Oval appearances are one of the main shapes that can force off gruff blasts.

How to Get Rid of Freckles and Dark Spots

Freckles are round and small brown spots that appears on face due to different reasons. According to a research freckles are a sign of skin damage. The major causes of freckles include genetics, hormonal imbalance and sunlight. Whatever the reason is freckles on face ruined the beauty of women.

Cosmetic surgery is one of treatment to remove freckles, but this is expensive and everyone can not afford it. At the same time nature provides remedies that your can follow and get rid from freckles.

Apple Juice

Apple Juice

One of the effective remedy to get rid from freckles is mix together 1 tsp apple juice, ¼ tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp rose water, and ¼ tsp turmeric. Apply this solution on your face before sleep and stay the whole night. Rinse off in the morning. If you find it difficult to keep it on face whole night then apply twice a day for 10 minutes on face, after that wash the face.

Sour Milk/Butter Milk

Sour Milk

Wash your face with sour milk/butter milk; lactic acid in sour milk helps to reduce freckles and dark spots from face without leaving skin dry or itchy.

Lemon Skin

Lemon Skin

Lemon is one of the best weapon against freckles and dark spots. Take a lemon from which lemon juice is squeezed; gently rub it on freckles and dark spots. In this way you will get quickly good result. But remember don’t go in sunlight after applying it because lemon makes your skin sensitive so it can leave negative effect.

Almond Paste


Grind 2 almonds and mix it with 1 egg white along ½ tsp lemon juice. Apply it on your face when you feel your skin is getting dry. Gently scrub it from face. It will help to remove dark spots and freckles; also it gives a nice glow to skin.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C

Add vitamin C in your diet. Vitamin C is good source to get a flawless skin. Eat such vegetables and fruits those are loaded with vitamin C.

Sour Cream

Sour Cream

Sour cream is also considered good for tackling with freckles and dark spots. Apply it on face for 10 minutes and don’t remove it directly instead use tissue paper for removing sour cream. If your skin is oily then first apply lemon juice on your skin and then application sour cream.

Fruit Mask

Fruit Mask

Try to treat your skin with fruit mask. Use homemade fresh fruit mask otherwise you can also use shop fruit mask.

Red Onion

Red Onion

Red onion is also effective in removing dark spots and freckles. Take a slice of red onion and softly massage it on spot for 5 minutes. Repeat process daily. Continues process will dull and then finally vanish the freckles and dark spots.



You can also get benefit from honey to treat freckles and dark spots. For this warm honey and mix lemon juice in it. Apply honey mixture on dark parts. After a few days you will notice a clear and smooth skin.



Papaya is also good when it comes to get rid of freckles. Apply fresh papaya juice on freckles with help of cotton ball twice a day. Continue until freckles completely remove from skin.

Related Products:

Vince Advanced Freckless Freckle Cream

Golden Pearl Anti-Freckle Kit 90 ML

Himalaya Herbals Refreshing Fruit Mask 

HB-11 Whitening Fruit Scrub Mask 30 Grams


10 Best Face Wash for Men

Apparently all face wash looks same and we just buy any of them, but the important thing that we must know before to purchase face wash is that each a product is made with blend of different ingredients. Each skin type needs to use a different face wash, may be one product that is beneficial for your brother can be harmful for your skin and it can cause irritation on your face. It is also not essay to find the perfect face wash for your skin in a vast collection. So we come up best proofed face wash so you can choose easily your face wash according to your skin type and get maximum benefit of skin cleansing and face freshness.

Don’t be frightened any longer by the numerous labels telling you that this is the “best” face wash. First of all you need to understand your skin type, and how it reacts to the ingredients within the wash. The suitable face wash leave a great impact on your skin and make a huge difference the next time you wash your face. If you are suffering from dry and irritated skin then you need to select face wash that can sooth your skin. On the other hand if you have oily skin then your face wash should be oil control.

Face wash is not only for women it should be part of men cleansing routine. Purpose of using face wash is not only to clean the skin from dirt, but it also make the skin soft and smooth.

Check out best face wash for men to make your selection easy.

Garnier Men PowerLight Intensive Fairness Face Wash

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Garnier Men PowerLight Intensive Fairness Face is the first face wash formulated for men. It does not only remove pollutants, impurities and dark sun marks from skin, but also refines skin texture, brightens skin clarity, and minimizes the look of pores over time. It is formulated with lemon extract and anti-oxidant grape water.

2) Vaseline Men Face Wash Refreshing Oil Control

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Vaseline designed this face wash for the men who have oily skin. Vaseline Men Face Wash Refreshing Oil Control formula helps cleanse the skin from pollution, dirt, and excess oil, which can lead to blemishes. It gently exfoliates for a smoother, soft and clearer appearance without oily surface.

3) Vaseline Men Whitening Anti Spot Face Wash

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This is the ideal face wash to keep your skin spot free even if your have spot on your face, with the regular use this face wash helps to remove spots. It leaves the skin soft so you can feel fresh and smooth. Additionally it cleans out dirt, oil and pollution effect from the skin. Formulated withvitamin B3 known to help reveal new fair, clear and healthy skin.

4) Garnier Men Oil Clear Deep Cleansing Face Wash

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Garnier Men Oil Clear Deep Cleansing Face Wash is designed to control oil, deep clean the face and remove excess shine. It has properties of cooling cryo-menthol and oil-absorbing mineral clay that gives a smooth base for shave by removing excess sebum and shine. Skin feels fresh and smooth, never tight or dry.

5) Vaseline Men Whitening Deep Clean Face Wash

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Vaseline men whitening deep clean face wash, having Vitamin B3 factor, antioxidants and soft scrub beads. This unique formula purifying bead removes dead skin cells and impurities, minimizing ashiness. Presence of Vitamin B3 reduces the blemishes and makes the skin soft.

6) Garnier Men IntenseFresh Energising Gel Face Wash

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This is one of the best face wash with cool gel formula makes skin fresh and healthy, leaving it hydrate. It reduces the appearance of pores, minimizes imperfections, and absorbs excess oil without drying skin.

7) Dove Men Care Clean Comfort Body and Face Wash

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Men care clean comfort body and face wash is a dual-purpose cleanser. It draws out deep-lying oil and dirt while smoothing the skin. This face wash is clinically proven to fight skin dryness; also clean and moisture body and face. The combination of ingredients build-up for noticeably softer, firmer, clearer skin.

8) Nivea For Men Oil Control Face Wash

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In hot weather men skin produce more oil that leads to skin problem. To tackle such problem Nivea For Men Oil Control Face Wash deep cleans skin and control oil content on face. The perfect formula repairs dead and damaged skin and give skin a notable glow.

 9) Nivea For Men Dark Spot Reduction Face Wash

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This special formula of Nivea is designed to remove dark spots from the face. It deeply cleans spot and gives a clear tone to skin. Moreover it also reduces oilness & tightened pores upto 12h. This effective formula is great for all skin types. NIVEA Men Dark Spot Reduction Face Wash is packed with licorice, vitamin C, vitamin E, whitanat, pro vitamin B5, ginko leaves extract, glycerin, magnesium chloride and glyceryl glucoside.

10) Garnier Men Acno Fight 6 In 1 Pimple Clearing Face Wash

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Grab Garnier Men Acno Fight 6 In 1 Pimple Clearing Face Wash and get solution of 6 skin problems. The best formulas of Garnier face wash aids in control oil, dry pimples, uproot blackheads, tighten pores, reduce redness and lighten marks. Continues use makes your skin cleared, purified, and reduces pimples. Don’t forget to buy this intensive care formula next time.

Other Related Products

Garnier Pure Active Neem Face Wash

Vince Men Oil Control Scrub Face Wash

Emami Fair and Handsome Oil Control Purifying Face Wash

Skinvita Men’ Exclusive Whitening Face Wash

How to Determine your Skin Type

There are many people around us who do not know what type of skin they have. Though this is not difficult to determine your skin type. For this all you need is a clear tissue, when you wake up in the morning, immediately use the tissue to blot your face and take a deep look at the results.


If the tissue blots oil from your face, then you probably have oily skin.

If the tissue is clean and you feel tight skin then you have a dry skin.

If you see tissue picked up a little oil from T-Zone then you have the normal skin.

If the tissue has oil spots from forehead, nose and chin, then you have combination skin.

Know your Skin Type

The skin falls into five categories; normal, dry, oily, combination and sensitive.

Normal Skin Type

Normal Skin

Normal skin type is considered ideal skin. As the name shows normal skin is not too oily or too dry. It has smooth and healthy tone without any imperfections or sometimes a few. There is no sensitivity observed in normal skin and it has barely open pores. People having normal skin often have radiant complexion in an even tone.

Dry Skin Type

Dry Skin

Many people have dry skin type and this type of skin causes problem especially in winter season. Due to lack of moisture, dry skin develops wrinkles and fine lines on face. Dry skin has almost invisible pores with dull and rough complexion along red patches.

If you see above problems in your skin then you have a dry skin type.

Dry skin made worse by aging, genetic factor, hormone change, UV rays, indoor heating, hot bath, and medications.

Care of Dry Skin

You can take care your dry skin by following these simple steps.

  • Take short bath or shower. No more then once a day.
  • Use gentle, mild soap or cleanser. Do not use deodorant soaps.
  • Avoid scrubbing your skin while bathing.
  • Must apply moisturizer on your skin right after taking bath.
  • Wear gloves when going to use water or detergent in household work.

Oily Skin Type

Oily Skin

Like dry skin it is hard to treat the oily skin especially in summer season. Oily skin has enlarged pores that produce oil which gives it shiny, greasy and dull appearance. Oily skin produces acne, blemishes, pimples and black heads on skin.

Oily skin gets worse by stress, exposing to heat or too much humidity and hormonal imbalances.

Care of Oily Skin

  • Wash your skin twice a day but no more then it.
  • You need to use gentle cleanser but avoid scrubbing.
  • Avoid touching and squeezing pimples because it can lead to skin worse problem.

Combination Skin Type

Combination Skin

Combination skin is most common. People with combination skin have both dry and oily areas. The skin produces oil in the T-zone; the forehead, nose and chin whereas the skin is dry on the cheeks and around the eyes. Combination skin can be difficult to manage because the various areas of the skin require different treatment.

Sensitive Skin Type

Sensitive Skin

This is the most fragile skin type. Sensitive skin easily tends to burn and he skin is prone to irritation and redness.

Sensitive skin gets worst if you use regular skin products. It results reddish, itchy or rash on skin.

Care of Sensitive Skin

  • Use only those products design for sensitive skin.
  • Avoid using products with harsh chemicals.
  • Don’t smoke
  • Stay hydrated and moisturizes your skin daily.
  • Wash your skin every day and put off make up before going to bed.

Related Products

Adidas Pure skin Face Scrub

Blesso Whitening Daily Face Wash with Orange and Grape Extract

Clean & Clear Essential Deep Cleaning Astringent

Dermacos Balancing Refining Enzymatic Mask



How to Upgrade your Pony Fast!

Here is an easy way to upgrade your pony for a decent look.

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Comb your hair back to make ponytail and secure hair with elastic.

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Separate out a strand of hair from ponytail using a tail comb.

Spray hair strand and wrap around your ponytail.

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Secure the small end of hair with bobby pin for a nice finish.

Related Products:

Schwarzkopf Supersoft Maximum Hold Hair Spray

Pantene Style Pro-v Moving Volume Spray & Sway Hairspray

L’oreal Studio Upright Spray Strong Hold

Dove Straight & Soft Sleek Styling Cream

Garnier Fructis Style Endurance Gel

How Do Facial with Dermacos Facial Products

Face treatment is now a basic necessity of people for getting smooth and glowing skin. Pollution and humidity makes skin dirty that leads to acne and black heads. In this situation this is necessary to do a proper care of skin by facial products and once a month give a treatment to our skin, you can do this treatment at home or at salon. Choice is your! When it comes to do skin treatment at home, we think about the products; which one is best for us because its matter of our skin and wrong products can harm the skin. For facial treatment I tried many products and all did a good result on my skin. Previous days I came to know about good result of Dermacos Facial Products from my sister so we bought all facial products and contacted a beauty expert who did our facial treatment. After facial my face was soft and smooth like baby skin and by the passing of time my sister and mine skin starting glowing. So far I did three times facial treatment with Dermacos Facial Products and every time I got excellent result. My skin is sensitive so I am much choosey about facial products.

How Use Products

Dermacos Dermapure Clarifying Facial Wash

First of all secure your hair with head band.

Facial Wash

Pour a little amount on your palm and apply on wet face gently. Wash face thoroughly with normal water. You can use face wash twice a day even you are not doing procedure of skin treatment.

Dermacos Dermapure Dust Free Facial Blond Brightener

Dermacos Dermapure Dust Free Facial Blond Brightener

Pour 1 tsp dust free facial blond brightener powder and 2 tsp Dermacos Dermapure Harmless Facial Blond Activator into a non metallic bowl. Mix well. Apply with help of brush on face and neck (except eye lid) and leave for 10-15 minutes. After that rinse off with normal cold water.

This is a great product for over all brightening. I have a sensitive skin and it works best for me. It is also ammonia free formula and repair damage skin.

Dermacos Detoxifying Hexagonal Cleanser

Dermacos Detoxifying Hexagonal Cleanser

Take a small amount of Dermacos Detoxifying Hexagonal Cleanser and apply it on your face. Massage on face and neck; wet it frequently for good result. Massage 10 minutes then clean with damp sponge.

You will feel instantly clear and soft skin. Dermacos Detoxifying Hexagonal Cleanser deeply cleans the skin and removes dead cells additionally.

Dermacos Dermapure Massaging Multi Vitamin Cream

 Multi Vitamin Cream

Apply multi vitamin cream on your face and neck and massage in circular motions to regulate the blood flow. When you feel it is getting dry, wet your hand and start massaging. Massage it for 8-10 minutes then clean with wet sponge.

This is a massage cream packed with regenerating, normalizing and skin protecting qualities. Dermacos Dermapure Massaging Multi Vitamin Cream has a refreshing aroma that leaves a relaxing impact on mind. This multi vitamin cream improves skin firmness, calm and heals the skin.

Dermacos Balancing Refining Enzymatic Mask 

 Enzymatic Mask

After doing all massaging actions now its time to apply mask to relax your skin. Apply a thin layer of mask on your face, avoiding the eye area and leave for 15 minutes and then rinse off the face. Avoid using sponge to clean the mask.

After using this mask you will get anti-Irritate, calming, anti-Inflammatory, hydrating, and soothing effects on your face. It removes dull and dead surface cells along harsh chemical effects and improves the skin’s vitality.

Dermacos Tightening Hydroxy Clay

Dermacos Tightening Hydroxy Clay

You can also use this hydroxyl clay at the end in place of Dermacos Balancing Refining Enzymatic Mask. Apply tightening clay mask in a thick layer to the face and neck. Rest it on face for 15 minutes. Rinse with running water after cracks down.

Dermacos Tightening Hydroxy Clay is best for all skin types even you can apply it on sensitive skin for a good result. It purifies, degrease, lift, and hydrate the skin. Additionally it reduces blackheads and whiteheads from face.

Dermacos Energizing Smoothing Toner

Dermacos Energizing Smoothing Toner

Now at the end apply Dermacos Energizing Smoothing Toner on your face. The benefit of using toner is it degrease, decongest and lighten to give skin a more even tone and smoother feel. Moreover it leaves soothing and cooling effects on the skin.

My Experience with Dermacos Facial Products

Beauty experts always advices do not relay only on one product nevertheless change them and try different brands. I follow this suggestion and use different brands and off course got perfect result. I tried different facial products and lastly I bought Dermacos Facial Kit though it is expensive but it has tremendous result on face without any side effect. After using it I felt my skin like baby soft and glow on my face. I suggest you next time when you go to shop facial kit. Select Dermacos Facial Kit.

Other Dermacos Facial Products

Dermacos Dermapure Polishing Oxygen Skin Gloss

Dermacos Dermapure Multipurpose Grey Lotion

New Night Creams Trend in Pakistan

If we look in the fashion world we found that Pakistan is a bit behind in fashion as compare to western countries. In other countries fashion keeps on changing regularly bringing new trends and looks. Pakistan is also trying to cope up with the fashion world by take along new trends. A recent trend that originate this summer is the use of night creams. Night creams were not very in before but increased demand for night creams is a real example of its popularity. The main difference between day and night creams is that day creams are SPF (sun protection factor) protected and light while night creams are anti-ageing and are greasy. Let’s have a look on facts related with night creams.

Pond's Age Miracle Deep Action Night Cream

How to Select a Night Cream:

First of all you should know that which night cream you ought to go for. The factors you have to see while selecting a night cream are; it should be dehydrating because it is essential for the regeneration of skin at night. Your night cream must also include the aspects of anti-aging, moisturizing, and quick damage repair like retinoil, amino acid, collagen, cremidies, vitamins etc.

The other important thing is your skin type. If your skin type is sensitive that you should select a cream with mild formula with healthy ingredients like cucumber, tea tree, neem and aloe vera. If you got an oily skin then choose the one which is free of oil and if you bear a dry skin then select a night cream which is moisturizing.

Why Use a Night Cream:

The outcomes of night creams are so worthy that everyone should go for night creams. A good night cream reduce wrinkles, spots, help in dehydration and massaging by revitalization of skin which in turn make the complexion fair, glowing and attractive.

Night Creams that are Used in Pakistan:

The night creams that are being used in Pakistan are the following. These creams do all the important aspects of a useful night cream. The famous night creams those are in trend are mentioned below

Janssen Cosmetics White Secrets Brightening Night Restore

Fade Out White Nourishing Night Cream

Pond’s Age Miracle Deep Action Night Cream

Olay Natural White Night Cream

Himalaya Herbals Revitalizing Night Cream

L’oreal Paris Collagen Re-Plumper with Collagen Night Cream

My Experience with Night Cream

There are two night creams that I am enjoying using right now and they are Cute Plus White Series Brightening Night Restore and Pond’s Flawless White Re-Brightening Night Treatment. I feel relax and calm when apply them on my skin moreover these creams are giving me good moisturizing treatment that helps to make my skin soft.

Hope that this article will help you to choose a right night with maximum benefits.

Twist for Wavy Hair

Here is easy yet perfect looking hair style for girls who have wavy hair. You can make it easily.

Twist for Wavy Hair 1

Separate two front sections and top it up.

Make a bun with remaining hair at the nape of your neck.

Twist for Wavy Hair 2

Take individuals sections from top hair and loosely twist.

Twist for Wavy Hair 3

Secure twist in bun with pin.

Twist for Wavy Hair 4

Repeat step three and alternate sides until you reach the top section.

Twist for Wavy Hair 5

Back comb the remaining top hairs.

Twist for Wavy Hair

Secure hair into the bun. Gently loosen a few strands of hair around the face for a soft look.

How Make Double Side French Braids

Are you preparing for attend a party? You obviously need a perfect hair style that adds great look in your personality. Read and adopt a simple yet elegant hair style in just few minutes.


  1. Comb your hair to remove tangles.
  2. From your forehead take more then half of hair and brush on down side and catch in a pony.
  3. On the other side of head make two French braids with less hair just like show in picture.
  4. Make braids all the way till end and wrap them around your pony for extra touch.

How to Get Rid of Underarm Odor

Underarm odor can be embarrassing moreover it can cause problems in social and professional relationships. Body odor caused by perspiration; when sweat mixed with bacteria it makes the unpleasant smell.

Having problems with smelly sweaty underarms? You need something that really works for you. Read this article to eliminate the underarm odor and build confidence.

Clean Armpits



Try to clean armpits with soap and water daily, this will eliminate smell of sweat and bacteria. Use anti bacterial soap for best result.

Drinking Water

Top benefits of drinking water

Drinking plenty of water is best and cheap remedy for avoid disgusting smell of armpits, especially drinking water in the morning on an empty stomach is best.



After taking your bath, add 1 tbsp honey in warm water for the final rinse. This remedy also helps to reduce body odor.

Use Baking Soda

Baking Soda

Put equal quantity of baking powder and corn starch in a powder bottle and shake under your arm. You can also add powdered smell in it for fragrance. This remedy works magic.

Rose Water

rose water

Adding rose water in your bath tub really works great. When you are going to take bath, add a few drops of rose water in water. Amazing fragrance of rose water keep your body fresh and fragrant for a long time.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Use apple cider vinegar to control underarm odor. Apple cider vinegar reduces pH of skin and eliminate odor. Add vinegar in a glass and use to rinse underarm while bathing.

Use Homemade Deodorant


Make your homemade deodorant by using radish and glycerin. Mix 1 glass radish juice with 1/4 cup glycerin. Pour prepared liquid in a spray bottle and use to tackle underarm odor.

Mint Water

Mint Water

Mint is refreshing and calming qualities. Add mint in water and add it in bath water tub and take bath.

How to Prevent Underarm Odor

how get rid under arm odor

  • Eat healthy foods that contain fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts.
  • Avoid eating processed food as it causes body odor.
  • Avoid stress, studies shows stress is also a reason of odor.
  • Add radish in your daily menu.
  • Quite drinking tea, coffee and caffeinated drinks.
  • Trim underarm hair

Last but not least, one thing that works amazingly for me is Nivea underarm roll on. I am one of the avid users of deodorants and body mists as these works best for me and keep me fresh the whole day. I have used many deodorants from different brands and finally I found Nivea best for me. Nivea has a vast range of deodorants that you can use according to your requirement.

 What the Nivea Products Say

 Different Nivea deodorants products are designed for different situations, but one thing is common all deodorants have a refreshing smell that eliminates the armpit odor.

Nivea Stress Protect Roll-On: In our daily life we are often facing stressful situations. Stress causes sweating that creates unpleasant body odour. NIVEA Stress Protect Roll-on is scientifically proven to protect also against stress sweating. It is a unique antibacterial formula combines two ingredients – Stress Protect actives and a Zinc complex that helps to overcomes smell of sweat.

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Ingredients: Aqua, Alcohol Denate, Alumi-num, Chloronydrate, PEG-8, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Parfum, Silver Citrate, Coumari, Eugenol

Nivea Pearl & Beauty Gentle Care Roll-On Deodorant: As you must know Nivea is a world wide famous skin brand. Nivea production team knows how to fulfill requirement of their customers. Nivea Pearl & Beauty Gentle Care Deodorant is particularly made to give you stern care and reliable anti-perspirant protection whole day. This is my favorite deodorant that I will suggest you to buy.

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Ingredients: Aqua, Aluminum Chloronydrate, PPG-15 Stearyl Ether, Steareth-2, Steareth-21, Parfum, Hydrolyzed Pearl

New Nivea Natural Fairness Roll-On Deodorant: In this formula Nivea introduces Avocado and Licorice to enhance skin fairness. I suggested my friend to use New Nivea Natural Fairness Roll-On Deodorant for a fair armpit skin and amazingly she got superb result in just 2 weeks. It provides 48-hour deodorant protection, fairer & smoother underarms.

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The key benefit of this formula is to repair your skin fair and makes it even tone. As a result no dark spot and fairer and smoother underarm with 48 hours gentle care and long lasting fragrance.

Ingredients: Licorice, Avocado Extracts & Witch Hazel

Nivea Happy Time Roll-On Deodorant: This excellent deodorant gives you 24 hours gentle care protection with bamboo extract and orange scent fragrance. Nivea Happy Time Roll-On Deodorant is especially formulated for women.

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Ingredients: Bamboo Extract and Orange Scent

Nivea Men Cool Kick Deodorant: Nivea For Men Cool Kick Roll-On provides 48 hours confidence and freshness of body. My brother is a big admire of this deodorant.

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How to Use Deodorant

Apply directly underarm skin

Roll lightly on underarm skin and allow drying completely

Avoid using if your skin is broken or irritated

Price: All deodorant available at Rs320 for 50 ML. Deodorant prices are very much reasonable which everyone can easily afford.

Package: Nivea Roll-On deodorants come in a beautiful bottle with a wide plastic roll on and screw cap.

Shelf Life: Nivea Roll-On deodorant can be used for 2 years.

Experience with Nivea Roll-OnDeodorant

I brought two different Nivea Roll-On deodorants last month for myself and one for my brother and I am using them on regular basis without any problem and same goes with my brother. It gives me calm, soothing and freshness all day long. My armpits was truing to a little blackish and now with the use of New Nivea Natural Fairness Roll-On Deodorant my skin is repaired and I got fairness back :D. I roll the bottle 2-3 times evenly on the underarm area and allow drying for a minute then dressed up. One thing I would like to mention here and I always remember to wash underarms before going to bed because as anti-perspirants clog the pores of your skin to reduce the secretion of sweat particles.

Pros of the Nivea Roll-On Deodorant

Stress Protect actives and a Zinc complex helps to overcomes smell of sweat

Anti-perspirant protection whole day

Presence of licorice makes skin white

Give you soft fragrance all day long

Cons of the Nivea Roll-On Deodorant

Ingredient list is again loaded with chemicals of every possible group

Final Verdict: As I am using these roll-on since a month and these will be in my kit in future because it gives me the perfectly result that I was looking for. I also suggest other people to buy it as I didn’t face any issue by using them.

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