High Cholesterol – Causes and Home Remedies

Presence of high levels of cholesterol in the blood is also called Hypercholesterolemia. According to medical experts, our body’s 30% cholesterol comes from diet while rest is produced by the liver. High cholesterol in the body could lead to numerous heart disease as well.

 High Cholesterol Causes

High Cholesterol Causes:

  • Overweight
  • Consuming fat-rich food like:
  • Pastries and cakes
  • Butter
  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Smoking
  • Drinking
  • Stress
  • Hereditary factors

 High Cholesterol – Medical Specialists Thoughts

High Cholesterol – Medical Specialists Thoughts

“A lot of parents don’t think about cholesterol in their kids,” pediatrician Dr. Jim Sears says. “We’re supposed to be checking it really early, even as early as age 2, especially if there’s a family history of high cholesterol. In some families, you may be healthy, and exercise and eat right, but still, your cholesterol can be a little bit high.”

“Some people are going to be predisposed, based on genetics, to have high cholesterol,” ER physician Dr. Travis Stork explains, “That doesn’t mean that you can’t take steps in your life to lower your numbers. If you do all the right things, there are some people who still need to be on cholesterol-lowering medications.”

 Natural Home Remedy Using Coriander Seeds

Natural Home Remedy Using Coriander Seeds:

  1. Take 1 glass water
  2. Add 2 tbsp of coriander seeds
  3. Boil it for 15 min
  4. Strain the mixture
  5. Allow it to cool
  6. Drink 3 times a day

Natural Home Remedy Using Watermelon Seeds

Natural Home Remedy Using Watermelon Seeds:

  1. Dry some watermelon seeds in the sun
  2. Roast and crush them into fine powder
  3. Take 1 tsp watermelon seed powder
  4. Add to 1 glass water
  5. Mix well
  6. Drink once a day

Natural Home Remedy Using Basil and Margosa Leaves

Natural Home Remedy Using Basil and Margosa Leaves:

  1. Take 10-15 basil leaves
  2. Take 10-15 margosa leaves
  3. Mix them and crush to a paste
  4. Add to 1 glass of water
  5. Mix well
  6. Drink on an empty stomach once everyday

This reduces the bad cholesterol in blood.

Drink 1 L of water every day


  • Cholesterol is of 2 types:
  • LDL — bad cholesterol
  • HDL — good cholesterol
  • To regulate LDL levels:
  • Control diet
  • Drink 1 L of water every day

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