Kidney Stones – Symptoms, Causes and Home Remedies

A kidney stone is also called renal calculus. Its a solid concretion or mineral combination shaped in the kidneys from nutritional reserves in the urine.

 There are two types of stones

  • There are two types of stones:
  • Uric acid stones
  • Calcium stones (90% of the stones)

Kidney Stones Symptoms

Kidney Stones Symptoms:

  • Stones cause problems when they move from the kidney to the urinary tract
  • Urine turns brown or red in colour due to presence of blood
  • Uncontrollable urge to urinate
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • As stones grow, they cause unbearable pain

Kidney Stones Causes

Kidney Stones Causes:

  • Crystallisation of chemicals and minerals present in urine leads to kidney stones

Natural Home Remedy Using Kidney Beans

Natural Home Remedy Using Kidney Beans:

  1. Take 60 gm kidney beans
  2. Add 4 L of water
  3. Heat for 4-5 hr
  4. Strain the liquid through a fine muslin cloth
  5. Allow the liquid to cool
  6. Drink 1 glass of this liquid once every 2 hr in a day
  7. Do this for a week
  8. Do not use the liquid or the beans again 24 hr after the 1st preparation

Natural Home Remedy Using Horse Gram and Pomegranate Seeds

Natural Home Remedy Using Horse Gram and Pomegranate Seeds:

  1. Take 1 cup of horse gram
  2. Add ½ L water
  3. Heat the mixture till water level reduces to 1/5th
  4. Strain and collect the soup
  5. Add 2 tsp of crushed pomegranate
  6. Mix well
  7. Drink once a day

Natural Home Remedy Using Basil Leaves and Honey

Natural Home Remedy Using Basil Leaves and Honey:

  1. Take 10-15 basil leaves
  2. Crush them to make paste
  3. Take 1 tsp of basil leaf paste
  4. Press on a sieve and extract its juice
  5. Add 1 tsp honey
  6. Mix well
  7. Drink this every day

Drink a glass of apple juice every day


  • Drink a glass of apple juice every day

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