5 Essential Oils You Can Use In Winters For Healthy Hair

The whipping cold dry winds in the winter season wreak plenty of havoc on our skin and hair as it depletes the natural moisture of the skin and the room heaters worsen the problem. Apart from the skin of our body, our scalp too turns inordinately dry and flaky in the winter months, thus dandruff is quite a common problem.

So, to avoid this, there is an endless list of nutrient rich, nourishing, essential oils that not only add an enormous amount of sheen, but also infuse health to our cherished tresses. Here is a list of the right oils for you depending upon your respective hair woes.

#1. Almond oil: solution for hair fall and breakage

Barely would you find a woman who has not experienced hair-fall or breakage at least once in her life. Almond oil can play a major role in your hair growth as it prevents hair fall and breakage. It contains all kind of healthy ingredients for hair such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, phospholipids and magnesium. You can add silkiness and shine to your hair & nourish the scalp with almond oil.

#2. Olive oil: solution for split ends and frizzy hair

Olive oil is truly a powerhouse when it comes to hair, skin and beauty applications. It has great moisturising properties and hence is considered great for taming frizz and split ends. Mix 4 tbsp olive oil with 1 beaten egg yolk and honey. Now apply it directly to entire scalp & hair; let it sit for 30 minutes and after that, do the normal shampooing and conditioning. Make sure to never heat olive oil as heating can make it lose its moisturising properties.

#3. Sesame oil: solution for premature greying

With highly nourishing, lubricating and a healing nature, sesame oil improves the colour of your hair and treats and prevents premature greying due to its darkening qualities. It has some essential fatty acids like omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 that nourish your hair and encourage thick and shiny hair growth. Sesame (also known as gingelly oil) is a multi-nutrient oil as it contains Vitamin E, B complex, and minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and protein, which is a privilege to strengthen the hair roots. It is antibacterial and applying it on the scalp helps keep both fungal and bacterial infections at bay.

#4. Lavender oil: solution for dry and flaky scalp

It is definitely one of the most popular essential oils that have antidepressant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. This oil can do wonders to the scalp that is dry and flaky as it has moisturising effects to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. One can also combine it with other oils such as jojoba oil, for an extra boost of hydration. It can also alleviate insomnia.

#5. Aromatic oils: for healthy and shiny hair

Aromatic oils are primarily a blend of oil with aromatic compounds, and have a pleasing aroma to soothe the senses. Many hair problems occur due to mental or physical stress and these aromatic oils with their mood-boosting aroma – leave a great impact on the mindset of a person and eventually keep all such problems at bay. Oils like rosemary, eucalyptus, mango-seed, are some of the best aromatic oils that can be used to treat different disorders.

Now that you know of all the best aromatic oils for your hair, make sure you make the best use of these and give your hair some pampering this season.

Why that hot cup of tea maybe BAD for you !!!

Many of us are so eager to have our cup of tea that we do not wait for it to brew properly, a University of London study revealed last week.

Researchers found that 40 per cent of tea drinkers do not let the tea infuse for two minutes; the time needed to achieve the best flavour.

Not only will you miss out on the taste but there is also another potential problem with being impatient — you are drinking the liquid when it is still very hot, which, research suggests, could be bad for you. 

Drinking a cup of tea in less than two minutes after it was poured has been associated with a five-fold higher risk of cancer, compared with drinking it four or more minutes after being pouredDrinking a cup of tea in less than two minutes after it was poured has been associated with a five-fold higher risk of cancer, compared with drinking it four or more minutes after being poured

For example, the heat and steam from your cup of tea or coffee can make blood vessels in the nose expand, says Henry Sharpe, a consultant ear, nose and throat surgeon at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust. 

‘This can lead to weakening or rupturing of the vessels, causing nosebleeds. 

‘People prone to nosebleeds are particularly vulnerable, so allow your drinks to cool. 

‘We tell anyone who has had nasal surgery to avoid hot drinks for 40 to 72 hours.’

If you have had a nosebleed, avoid hot drinks for at least 24 hours as that is how long it takes for blood vessels to settle down, says Mr Sharpe. 

And here is what else that warming cuppa might do.


Drinking steaming hot black tea has been linked with an increased risk of oesophageal cancer.

The disease affects 8,000 people in Britain each year. 

In Europe it tends to be associated with smoking, obesity and alcohol, rather than hot drinks.

However, researchers at the University of Tehran have suggested that hot black tea may also be a risk factor. 

They studied the tea-drinking habits of 300 people diagnosed with oesophageal cancer and compared them with healthy people.

Nearly all of the participants drank black tea regularly; more than a litre a day on average. 

Drinking steaming hot black tea has been linked with an increased risk of oesophageal cancer. The disease affects 8,000 people in Britain each yearDrinking steaming hot black tea has been linked with an increased risk of oesophageal cancer. The disease affects 8,000 people in Britain each year



People with rosacea may find that it gets worse when they have hot drinks. 

The condition, which affects one in ten people, causes chronic facial flushing.

‘Many patients in my practice find the redness gets worse when they drink hot drinks and improves when they replace them with cold drinks,’ says Dr John Ashworth, consultant dermatologist at Bridgewater NHS Trust, Cheshire.

This may be because a rise in body temperature affects the blood vessels around the body which regulate heat, including those in the face, he says.

If you have sensitive teeth, perhaps from tooth grinding or brushing too hard, avoid hot drinks altogether. Teeth that have just been whitened may also feel sensitive
If you have sensitive teeth, perhaps from tooth grinding or brushing too hard, avoid hot drinks altogether. Teeth that have just been whitened may also feel sensitive


Damaging the tastebuds can cause a rough, painful feeling on your tongue but it would take drinking hot drinks repeatedly and scalding the tongue extensively to affect taste sensation permanently 


Ein Mann und eine Frau schneiden Gemüse auf einem Holzbrett

When temperatures drop, your risk of catching a cold increases. But how can you keep from getting sick? Get plenty of exercise, stay warm and eat a balanced diet. In today’s blog post, we will tell you which five vitamins are essential in winter and how you can avoid developing a vitamin deficiency.

lots of fruits on a table


Unfortunately, vitamin D deficiency is not so uncommon. Especially in places with long, dark winters. Your body makes vitamin D (cholecalciferol) when your skin is exposed to sunlight. The lack of sunlight in winter often makes it hard for your body to produce enough vitamin D. Why is this fat-soluble vitamin so important for us? It strengthens our immune system and protects us from infections.

Daily requirement in the absence of sunlight: 20 mcg/day


  • Fish (salmon, tuna & sardines)
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products
  • Mushrooms

Note: If you already have a deficiency, you won’t be able to correct it by simply eating foods containing vitamin D. In this case, you need to see a doctor. A supplement might also be a good idea. In winter, you should get approx. 5,000 IU (international units) of vitamin D per day.


While Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can’t protect you from colds, it can shorten the length of time you are sick. If your body is low in vitamin C, it won’t be able to ward off germs as effectively as usual. Therefore, an adequate supply of vitamin C is crucial in winter!

Daily requirement: women 95 mcg/day, men 110 mcg/day


  • Bell peppers (contain almost three times as much vitamin C as oranges)
  • Citrus fruits
  • Brassicas (kale & broccoli)
  • Leafy greens
  • Cranberries

Make sure to eat plenty of the abovementioned foods to avoid developing a vitamin C deficiency.

red and yellow pepper


Folic acid is part of the B vitamin family. It is important for the growth and reproduction of cells and is therefore very important during pregnancy. It also plays an important role in DNA and RNA synthesis. This is why a lack of folic acid can weaken your immune system.

Pregnant women should definitely be taking folic acid, and it’s also a good idea for people suffering from intestinal disorders. Plus, alcoholics are at a much higher risk of becoming deficient in folic acid. In addition to getting help with this addiction, a folic acid supplement could also be a good idea.

Daily requirement: 300 mcg/day, pregnant women 550 mcg/day


  • Leafy greens (spinach & kale)
  • Beets
  • Legumes (beans & chickpeas)
  • Rolled oats
  • Cherries
  • Strawberries
  • Peanuts


Vitamin A (retinol) is a fat-soluble vitamin. Most people know that it is good for your vision, but it’s also important to get plenty of this vitamin in winter. Vitamin A deficiency has been associated witha reduced immune response and an increased risk of infection.

The human body is capable of producing vitamin A itself from beta-carotene (the precursor of the vitamin).

Daily requirement: women 0.8 mg/day, men 1 mg/day


  • Tuna
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products
  • Carrots
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Leafy green vegetables (spinach, kale & arugula)

a lady is frying two eggs

Good to know:

Foods rich in fat-soluble vitamins should always be eaten together with fat (e.g. vegetable oils).


Vitamin E (tocopherol) is also a member of the fat-soluble vitamin family. The vitamin is a potent antioxidant which strengthens the immune system and plays numerous roles in the body. It is said to help with a wide range of diseases (like cancer and arthritis) and the aging process. Your chances of developing a vitamin deficiency are low if you eat a balanced diet.

Daily requirement: women 12 mg/day, men 14 mg/day


  • Nuts
  • Vegetable oils (wheat germ oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, safflower oil)
  • Whole grain products


If you eat a balanced diet and lead a healthy lifestyle, you can prevent vitamin deficiencies in winter. However, if you are tired or sick a lot, it might be worth talking to a doctor. The doctor will draw a blood sample and then be able to tell you if you have a deficiency and what vitamin or mineral supplements you need to take.



Skin polishing is one of the ways to enhance the beauty of skin. You can try skin polishing remedies either by visiting beauty parlours or at home. Read on to know how you can carry out skin polishing technique at home for enhancing the beauty of your skin naturally.
Skin polishing in simple words is a special technique of exfoliating skin. The dead cells are removed which helps new and healthy cells to come in place of that and the skin looks clean and polished. So, if you want to give your skin a nice and fresh glow, you can go for skin polishing.
Why Skin Polishing?

Our skin is exposed to a variety of things like sun rays, dust, pollution and many more. This makes it lose the natural luster and shine. Well, we need to exfoliate our skin at regular intervals so that we can protect it from the adverse effects of these attacking elements.

Skin care has always been an important part of the routine for every man and woman. But, the amount of exposure and roughness that our skin faces these days, the time given to it in the hectic schedule is very less. However, the best thing is that we can exfoliate or polish our skin at home and you do not even have to spend a lot of time for that.
Skin Polishing at Home

The basic things that we need for skin polishing at home are as follows:

  • Pure olive oil
  • Exfoliating sugar body scrub
  • Pumice stone
  • Skin exfoliating kit

Starting from the face, you should keep in mind that the skin of the face is sensitive and so you need gentle exfoliant for that. First use warm water to moisten your face and then use the exfoliant. Using circular motion gently rub taking care of the soft areas around eyes. If you suffer from acne, avoid mechanical polishing and also use a facial peel before this so that your skin gets smoother.

To polish your body, take a warm water bath and steam up your bathroom. Apply olive oil all over the body and wait for 10 minutes. Apply gentle sugar body scrub all over your body with the help of polishing cloth. Make sure your movements are circular. You can apply slightly more pressure so that your skin gets exfoliated thoroughly. If you use pumice stone to rub your knees, heels and elbows, apply Vaseline before you do that.

Now, you can rinse your body with warm water. Gently rub with your hands and you can leave the olive oil so that it keeps your body moisturised. Do not rub your skin with towel after polishing it. Pat dry and that too gently.

There is no need to rub your skin hard. Also, remember that it is enough to exfoliate your skin twice weekly. You will get a flawless and perfectly shining skin.
Natural Skin Polishing

There are some other combinations of elements for skin polishing.

  • Brown sugar and jojoba oil – Mix ½ cup of jojoba oil, 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 tablespoon of orange oil and 4 – 5 capsules of Vitamin E in a bowl.
  • Sugar and strawberry scrub – Mix ½ spoon of almond oil, two ripe strawberries mashed and 10 teaspoons of raw sugar and prepare the body scrub.
  • Baking soda and aloe vera – Take two tablespoon of baking soda and add fresh aloe vera juice to it.
  • Wheat flour and olive oil – Take two tablespoons of wheat flour and add half teaspoon of turmeric and half teaspoon of olive oil. Mix well and your body scrub is ready.

Now you have learnt the technique and you have some options too. Pamper your skin with these treatments and do give it a try. It will help you achieve the radiance you are looking for.

5 Ways Exercise Makes You Gorgeous

8 Ways Exercise Makes You Gorgeous

Working out isn’t all about dropping pounds or prepping for your next triathlon. Regular exercise also gives you a healthy, glowing look and an unmistakable va-va-voom that you just can’t get any other way.

Anyone who makes a habit of going to the gym, unfurling a yoga mat or hiking in the woods is privy to a secret known only to the physically active: The rewards of exercise extend far beyond slimming down or adding muscle tone. Dozens of subtle changes visibly revamp the body and the psyche in ways scientists are only beginning to understand.

Maybe your skin looks brighter, your step is springier or you’re more confident at work. Such small victories may go unnoticed by unobservant exercisers, but those on the lookout for these benefits will find them every bit as valid as gains measured by scales and calipers.

Scientists chalk up such fitness boons to a range of powerful physiological and biochemical processes triggered by regular exercise. “Every cell in the human body benefits from physical activity,” says Tim Church, MD, PhD, the director of preventative medicine at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La. And, he says, you feel tangible rewards right away. “Within an hour of exercising, you feel less anxious; that night you sleep better; and for 72 hours afterward your body processes blood sugar more efficiently.”

Need more incentive to lace up your sneakers? Here’s a peek into a few of the ways exercise can make you look and feel fantastic.

1. Smoother, More Radiant Skin

Genma Holmes, 43, was horrified when she broke out in adult acne three years ago. “I was 40 and felt like a hot mess because my face was dotted with pimples,” says the working mom from Nashville, Tenn. Then, last year, she started walking two miles a day and working out on an elliptical trainer three times a week. Sure, she expected to shape up, but she was shocked when her acne cleared. “Looking in a full-length mirror and seeing a slimmer me is great, but looking in a compact mirror and not seeing blackheads is even better,” she says.

Holmes’s clearer skin comes as no surprise to Audrey Kunin, MD, a dermatologist in Kansas City, Mo., and author of The DERMAdoctor Skinstruction Manual (Simon & Schuster, 2005). Working up a good sweat is the equivalent of getting a mini-facial, she says. “When the pores dilate, sweat expels trapped dirt and oil. Just be sure to wash your face afterward so the gunk doesn’t get sucked back into the pores.”

Working up a good sweat is the equivalent of getting a mini-facial.

Breaking a sweat isn’t the only way exercise benefits the skin — it also reduces bodywide inflammation, helps regulate skin-significant hormones and prevents free-radical damage. When you exercise, the tiny arteries in your skin open up, allowing more blood to reach the skin’s surface and deliver nutrients that repair damage from the sun and environmental pollutants. These nutrients also rev up the skin’s collagen production, thwarting wrinkles. “As we age, fibroblasts [the collagen-producing cells in the skin] get lazier and fewer in number,” Kunin says. “But the nutrients delivered to the skin during exercise help fibroblasts work more efficiently, so your skin looks younger.”

For more ways exercise improves your skin, read “Exercise Makes Skin Healthier“.

2. Greater Self-Confidence

Confident people radiate a certain physical appeal and charisma. A recent British study found that people who began a regular exercise program at their local gym felt better about their self-worth, their physical condition and their overall health compared with their peers who stayed home. The best part was that their self-worth crept up right away — even before they saw a significant change in their bodies.

“You don’t need to improve your fitness level to improve your self-perception of how fit you are,” says Adrian Taylor, PhD, an exercise researcher at the University of Exeter in England and the study’s lead investigator. And from there it’s only a short leap to enjoying healthier self-esteem, he adds. “Our self-worth is directly tied to our energy levels, our feelings of competence and our perceived attractiveness.” And nothing is more gorgeous than the self-assurance that comes from feeling good in your own skin.

3. Increased Stature

Annie Appleby, 45, a yoga instructor and founder of YogaForce LLC in San Francisco, took up yoga as a means to relieve stress. But it wasn’t until she had a checkup a few years later that she saw the full effects of her practice. When the doctor measured her height, they both noticed she’d grown an inch and a half. “I couldn’t believe it,” she says. “I’d always wanted to be taller; now I fit into my clothes better and feel more spacious in my body.”

No one has studied precisely why exercise makes you taller, but activities that stretch and strengthen muscles at the same time, like yoga or Pilates, can correct bad posture and therefore add height, says Dan Bradley, MD, an orthopedic surgeon at the Texas Back Institute in Denton, Texas. Hunching makes some muscle groups contract and others lengthen, he explains, which subtracts height. “If you actively work to bring muscles back into balance, your back will lengthen, your posture will improve and you can grow taller.”

If you actively work to bring muscles back into balance, your back will lengthen, your posture will improve and you can grow taller.

People with swayed backs benefit most from core strengthening exercises, such as planks, farmer’s walks and bird dogs. For hunched shoulders, working on strengthening the upper back using resistance with bands, machines or free weights can help restore lost height. And, of course, exercise that improves posture tends to also make you look thinner, fitter and more confident.

4. Less Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety, fearfulness and uncertainty all drain your vitality and dampen your mood, which in turn tends to show on your face and in the way you carry yourself. Roughly 40 million Americans over 18 suffer from anxiety disorders, according to the National Institutes of Mental Health — that’s nearly 20 percent of all adults — and for many of them, that anxiety strips both the smile from their face and the spring from their step. Exercise has been shown to alleviate most mild to moderate cases of anxiety, and can very quickly improve mood.

Exercise has been shown to alleviate most mild to moderate cases of anxiety, and can very quickly improve mood.

Jack Raglin, PhD, a sport psychologist at Indiana University in Bloomington, Ind., is only half-joking when he says, “Exercise is like taking a tranquilizer, but better because you get the side effect of improved health and fitness.” Studies out of Raglin’s lab suggest that as little as 15 minutes of exercise bestows a calm that can last for hours. As for what kind of exercise elicits the biggest response, he recommends either heart-thumping aerobic exercise, like running, cycling or swimming, or a mixture of aerobic and anaerobic exercise, such as weight training.

In one study, Raglin and his team recruited 16 athletes, tested their anxiety levels, then put them through 30 minutes of resistance training and another 30 minutes of cycling. Afterward, they rechecked the students’ stress levels and found that they had plummeted within 10 minutes of wrapping up the workout and continued to decline for the next hour.

For Dorothy Foltz-Gray, 61, a writer in Knoxville, Tenn., going for a bike ride at the end of a hectic workday delivers even faster results. “I can leave my desk anxious from a day of work, grab my bike and in a few minutes have a smile on my face as I glide along a bike path,” she says. “Suddenly I’m 12 years old again, grinning at all the other bikers who grin back because they are feeling the same burst of freedom.”

5. More Restful Sleep

Plagued by dark circles? You’re not alone. As many as 60 million Americans wrestle with insomnia, according to a recent Harvard Medical School report. A slew of studies show exercise can elicit longer, more restful sleep. Why? Well, an intense workout may leave you more hungry for shuteye recovery time, but there’s more to it than that. Shawn Talbott, PhD, nutritional biochemist and author of The Metabolic Method (Current Book, 2008), explains that exercise sharpens the body’s sensitivity to the stress hormone cortisol, which can enhance sleep. Sleeping better leaves you looking fresh and healthy.

Here’s how it works: When your boss yells at you, the body spews cortisol to help muscles either duke it out or run like the wind. But, instead, if you sit and seethe at your desk, the cortisol stays in the bloodstream, like a racecar circling the track in a speedway. If the stress is chronic, the presence of cortisol 24/7 blunts the body’s cellular receptors, muting the hormone’s arousal call. That lack of sensitivity causes the adrenal glands to make more, just to get the body’s attention. “It’s like your body turns the volume up full-blast to get the message across,” says Talbott.

As a result, the body’s natural cortisol rhythms (high in the morning, low in the evening) “flatten out,” he explains, which can leave you mentally wound up at night — and carrying excess baggage under your eyes the next day.

Exercise is essentially a release valve for cortisol, helping you sleep more soundly and greet the day looking more refreshed.

What Is The Difference Between Concealer, Foundation, And Primer?

A lot of ladies are lost on the differences among concealerfoundation, and primer. And who can blame them? With such a massive array of makeup products and marketing hype, it’s hard to know what you really need. Here’s a quick and easy guide to which face makeup does what and why you need each.


Primer concealer and makeup brushes on counter


What is primer?

Primer should always be the first step in your makeup routine. After you apply your moisturiser, grab your primer. It’ll gloss over any fine lines and visible pores. Primer creates a smooth canvas for your foundation and makes your cosmetics last for ages.

There are many different primers out there, so find the one that works for your skin. Red and irritated skin? You’ll love Napoleon Perdis Auto Pilot Calming PrimerOily skinHylamide Matte 12 will transform your complexion and finished makeup look.

And primer isn’t just for your face! If you’re wearing shadow or linereyelid primer is essential. Go for theBalm Put a Lid on It Eyelid Primer to create a smooth, crease-free finish that makes your eye makeup last all day long.

Model with foundation swatch on cheek


What is foundation?

Foundation is perfect for creating a uniform skin tone. Although some women apply concealer before their foundation, this should really be the second step in your routine.

If you apply concealer first, it’ll end up getting smudged and blended in with your makeup. For a perfect skin tone, put on primer, and then follow up with foundation.

Want to find the right foundation for you? It’s time to start testing. The best way to pick a foundation is to match it up with your chest. If you’re tanner there, you can also test makeup colours on the back of your hand (and you should definitely upgrade your SPF!).

Get a few sample lines on your skin, and then go outside to check the makeup in natural light. Store lighting can be misleading, so be sure to see your foundation under the sun. Sure, it requires some effort, but it’s worth it.

Once you’ve found the perfect shade of foundation, stick with your brand. If your fave product is being discontinued or your skin’s needs change, visit Findation to cross-match products.

We love Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra 24H SPF 15. It comes in a wide range of shades that suit the majority of women’s skin tones.


Lancome Teint Idole Ultra Wear Foundation

What is concealer?

Once you’ve gotten your primer and foundation on, your skin will look pretty amazing. In fact, those two steps are enough for many women. But not always! Of course, we all get red spotsand dark circles sometimes, and that’s where concealer comes into play.

Whatever your skin type, it’s essential to have two concealers on hand. To cover spots, go for Benefit Boi-ing Industrial Strength Concealer. For dark under-eye circles, Jane Iredale Active Light Under-Eye Concealer is sleep in a bottle. Apply as needed for a flawless look. And remember, it’s always best to start with a tiny dab and work your way up.

model wearing concealer swatches