Make the Most Out of Your Beauty Products

Half-used conditioner? Almost empty lipstick? Mascara that’s run its course? We love our beauty products, but hate when it’s time to say goodbye. To make your favourites last even longer, read on for some expert tips. Your wallet (and face!) will thank you.

Utilize those last few drops of your favourite foundation by adding a dab of face moisturiser. For foundation, pour a little moisturiser inside the bottle, shake well and apply. For bronzing powder, combine both for your very own tinted moisturiser.

You may think that tube is long gone, but chances are, it’s not! Using a cotton swab (not your finger!), scoop out the last remnants and apply as you normally would to your lips. Or, if you want to be extra economical, dab a bit on the apples of your cheeks for a cream blush that works wonders.

Want silky smooth legs, but ran out of your usual shaving cream? Trust us, that half-used bottle of hair conditioner works as a luxurious treat and provides great glide.

Sure, you should change mascara every 3 months, but that doesn’t mean you should forgo the wand. Simply place used mascara wands in the dishwasher to give them new life. You can use them for grooming your brows or taming flyaway hair near your hairline.

Got products with pump dispensers? Use the stem of the pump to extend their lifespan further. Simply scrape the inside of the bottle and then apply to your hand. You’ll be surprised to learn how much is still in there. You can also cut the bottle in half with a pair of scissors.

What Does a Gold Facial Actually Do?

A gold facial is honestly one of the most indulgent spa treatments we can think of. But while they were once a pampering method reserved only for celebrities and ancient royals, these days you’ll find gold facials and gold face masks popping up on high-end spa menus everywhere. Sure, they can be pricey, but sometimes, you just have to spoil yourself. And unlike a bottle of wine, a tub of ice cream, or a night spent vegging out in front of the TV, gold facials are actually good for you.

But what does all that gold actually do? Read on to find out all about how the luxury metal can transform your skin—we promise you’ll never again consider it an extravagance to buy raw cookie dough just for snacking.

What is a gold facial?

Gold facials can differ from spa to spa, but generally they follow a traditional facial format—cleansing, exfoliation, extractions, etc.—but include one of the most decadent add-ons ever invented: a gold face mask. Depending on the technique used, this might involve the aesthetician massaging sheets of 24-karat gold leaf onto your skin. Or, they might coat your face with colloidal gold, a liquid solution with gold nanoparticles suspended in it.

If this whole idea seems to have trended rather suddenly, there’s good reason for that. The gold facial has grown in popularity since 2006, when a Japanese company pioneered a method for helping the metal penetrate surface layers of skin.

What are the benefits of gold facial treatments?

Other than giving you a great excuse to take a selfie, what is all that gold doing on your face?

Gold has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine and ancient skincare—Cleopatra may have been a fan—and modern aestheticians stand by its firming and anti-aging benefits. Gold’s antioxidant properties are said to fight off environmental toxins and sun damage. Clients may find their skin feeling softer and more supple thanks to accelerated cell regeneration and elastin production.

Dermatologists, however, caution that some people can have an adverse reaction, particularly those who experience contact dermatitis when wearing jewelry.

What about DIY gold facials?

Many at-home beauty treatments are also incorporating gold into their list of ingredients. Using one of these in your routine can be a great way to get some of the benefits of gold without breaking the bank.





Too Lazy to Remove Your Makeup Before Bed? This Photo Will Change That An intrepid experiment

(and shocking photographic proof) reveals why it’s imperative to muster the energy to wash your face)


a visit to a 3D Cosmetic Imaging Studio where she had her face analyzed with a special 3D camera which, as she writes, “shows – in mortifying detail – my pigmentation, broken veins, enlarged pores and wrinkles.”

At month’s end, she went back to have her complexion evaluated by the doctors who’d done the initial analysis — brace yourselves here … “The experts estimated that my skin was biologically approximately a decade older than before I began my no-cleansing experiment.”

Shocking, right? Pursglove reveals that the doctors said, “You won’t have done any meaningful damage in four weeks, but long-term avoidance of cleansing while continuing to wear make-up could be detrimental to your skin in the long-run. The biggest issue is the accumulation of environmental pollutants, which drive the generation of free radicals [which] contribute to the breakdown of collagen and elastin, the structures that underpin youthful skin.”

Pursglove”s cautionary tale (and, yes, those shudder-inducing before and after photos) are sure to spur many of us into putting forth the extra effort required to remove our makeup at day’s end. And, here to help get you on the straight and narrow, is a guide to the best eye makeup removers and a recipe for an all natural makeup remover.

Happy cleansing!



7 Everyday Makeup Habits That Are Secretly Ruining Your Skin


Most of us have some sort of beauty routine that we follow every day, but how often do you wonder if your makeup  habits were ruining  your skin ? The truth is that it’s a total possibility. When it comes to taking care of your face, it’s important to think about everything that comes in contact with your skin. The ultimate problem may be your makeup routine. Whether it’s the way you apply your makeup or your products in general, there are a lot of sneaky ways that your beauty habits can harm your skin.

It may sound gross, but your makeup may contain a lot of bacteria. Cream and liquid products are usually the most susceptible. Knowing this, it’s important to switch out your products regularly. Throw away any old or unused products. This way you can avoid reaching for the them in the future, and prevent any skin flare ups. No one has time for bad skin, so don’t let your makeup routine be the culprit for problematic skin issues. Take the time to go through your products and tools to make sure that everything is in good condition. There is no reason that your everyday beauty habits should be bringing you down. Here are a few ways that your beauty habits could be negatively affecting your skin.

1. Not cleaning your brushes

Makeup brushes are a breeding ground for bacteria. They touch your acne, sweat, dead skins, and everything else than could be lingering on your face. This is a perfect recipe for creating major skin problems in the future. Avoid this hassle by cleaning your brushes. I recommend spot cleaning brushes weekly with a gentle cleanser, and deep cleaning once or twice a month. Wanting to know a little bit more? Here’s a guide that details how to clean your makeup brushes with stuff you already have at home!

2. Sharing beauty products

This is a big no-no in the world of beauty. From cold sores to eye infections, sharing beauty products can lead to a whole host of medical issues. This is especially seen when lip and eye makeup products are shared. Avoid the hassle by sticking to your own makeup collection.

3. Sleeping in your makeup

Just don’t do it. It’s absolutely the worst for your skin. Any sweat, dirt, or environmental stressors that you encountered during the day might have gotten trapped in your pores along with your makeup. Cleanse all that junk out! Your face will thank you in the morning.

4. Too many DIYs

A baking soda scrub one night, and an apple cider vinegar treatment the next? Too many at-home DIY’s could be throwing off your skin’s pH balance. Many DIY beauty treatments are developed as simple skincare solutions. However, by frequently using various acidic ingredients you could be throwing off your skin’s natural balance. This can cause flare ups of acne, skin sensitivity, and dry skin.

5. Not letting your skin breathe

Do you love wearing makeup all day everyday? This can actually have a negative effect on your skin. If you skin is constantly being covered by layers of makeup thenit doesn’t have a chance to breathe. Cell turnover is important for skin rejuvenation. In order to get your best glowing skin, skip makeup every now and then. Your skin will thank you for it.

6. Popping zits

Get your hands away from those zits! Popping pimples is not the way to go when it comes to improving your skin care. Bursting small pustules on your face is both gross and unnecessary. Combat pimples with acne spot treatments instead of popping them.

7. Applying makeup to flaky skin

If you skin is dry and flaky, applying layers of makeup on top is only going to emphasize the problem. Make sure to exfoliate and moisturize your skin to combat the dryness. This will give you a smoother base when it comes to applying your makeup.

So ladies, now you know the DO’s and Dont’s