What you eat can make a massive difference to your health and your appearance, and we’re not just talking about weight. While weight obviously is an important consideration, your food can also affect your complexion, your hair and even your mood. You really are what you eat, so read on, and find out how your diet can have a direct effect on your health and beauty:

1. It affects your weight

Starting with the obvious, eating too much of the wrong types of food will make you put on weight. That’s not to say that everyone needs to be a skinny super model to look beautiful, but obesity also causes other health problems too, like diabetes and heart problems.

2. It can make your hair dull and lifeless

Your hair needs nourishment too, and eating the wrong types of food will have a direct impact on your hair. Without sufficient minerals and vitamins, the hair follicles will become unhealthy and your hair will become weaker and, ultimately, thinner.

3. Your nails need feeding too

If you find that your nails break easily, then this could be a sign that you need to change your diet. Just like your hair, without the proper nourishment, your nails will become weaker, so eat plenty eggs, low fat dairy and lean meats, to give your nails the protein that they need.

4. Your muscles can become weaker and smaller

You might not naturally associated muscles with beauty, but if your muscles start to get weak, then you won’t be able to work out and it will affect your posture too. Eat high protein foods and you will be able to keep your muscles well-toned and in good working order.

5. Your skin is directly affected by what you eat

Dull complexion, breakouts and blotchy skin, could all be a result of your diet. Your skin will look far more radiant and clear of blemishes if you eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and enough protein. Avoid fatty and processed foods too, because they can make your skin greasy and cause breakouts.

6. What you eat can slow the ageing process

Your food can also have an impact on how quickly you begin to show the singes of ageing. Eating foods that are high in antioxidants, like raw organic fruit and vegetables, helps to fight the cell damage caused by free radicals that can bring on wrinkles and lines in the skin.

7. What’s so special about Omega-3 fatty acids?

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the healthy growth of hair, skin and nails, and your body can’t make them by itself. About 3% of your hair is made up of Omega-3 fatty acids, so eat plenty of salmon or other oily fish, to feed your skin, nails and hair.

8. Your eyes and eyelashes can also be affected

If you are not drinking enough water and eating the right foods, then it will show in your eyes and your lashes too. Your lashes are hairs, just like the hairs on your head, so without the proper nutrients, they can become thin and fall out. Your diet can also take the sparkle out of your eyes and make them look red.

9. Eating a healthy diet will help you make other good decisions too

Eating the right kind of food will have a positive impact on your overall mental wellbeing too. You will feel more alive and more comfortable in your own skin. It will spur you on to take more exercise and to, possibly, make other changes to your appearance too. With all the energy, confidence and the feel good factor that a healthy diet brings, you might feel more like changing your hair or experimenting with some new makeup.

10. Eating right will put you in a good mood

Eating healthily puts you in a great mood all day long. You won’t get the ups and downs in mood that you might be experiencing today and the radiant smile that it will put on your face will make you look even more beautiful.

How does diet affect your health and beauty? Feel free to share your thoughts.

Stay happy!

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